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Study in Swiss

Shell and IMD MBA Alumni Scholarships - Swiss Scholarship Conditions Applicants must have been accepted into

  • the IMD MBA program prior to their application
  • Scholarship essays should be sent to
    All scholarships are merit-based, however for those that are also need-based, please complete the
    MBA Financial Aid Application Form
  • IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury/sponsors
  • Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:
    - Relevance to the essay title
    - Organisation and structure
    - Fully developed arguments
    - Persuasiveness, Personal element and/or passion

One accepted candidate from each region Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America will be selected by a jury of IMD MBA alumni to receive a scholarship of CHF 30,000.

  • The criteria are:Being a citizen of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe or Latin America, but not necessarily a current resident
  • Demonstrating financial need by submitting a completed Financial Aid Application
  • Submitting an essay (maximum 1000 words) on:
    "What are the top three driving issues (political, economic, social, etc) of your country? Explore one of them in depth, drawing upon professional and personal experiences to discuss how you would address it."-

More info:

Study and Scholarships Info in Switzerland

The Swiss system of education is essentially the responsibility of the cantons. Therefore one cannot really talk about a Swiss educational system but only of several independent and different systems. The differences in the education systems for the first eight or nine years of school have arisen through the federal structure of the state and the variation even shows itself within the different language regions.

For example the German-speaking cantons have no uniform designation for similar types of schools, and it was only in 1985 that the cantonal electorates voted to introduce a uniform start to the school year in the autumn.
However, if they are looked at in very simplified terms, certain common characteristics can be made out among the cantonal school systems. After a voluntary period of kindergarten fully financed by the state, most cantons have nine years compulsory schooling (in eight cantons eight years). This compulsory schooling for all children capable of normal education consists of a primary school period of four, five or six years. There then follows a choice of schooling, putting varying demands on the pupils, and known collectively as the secondary level I. In many cantons both levels of compulsory schooling are called the "Volksschule" (elementary school). Individual cantons are largely responsible for their administration and curricula.

The elementary school normally passes their pupils on to either vocational training or into a secondary level II. These high schools (gymnasium) are a preparation for university. At this level the independence of the cantons is limited considerably by the matriculation requirements laid down by the Confederation. Vocational training is also supervised by the Confederation. Elementary education is free while at the higher levels of education, even if they are state supported, fees are charged in individual cases or students are at least expected to pay for their learning material.

Important links
Swiss universities, degree recognition issues, please visit the homepage of Rector’s Conference of Swiss Universities:

International Baccalaureates:

Swiss private schools, please visit the homepage of the Swiss Federation of Private Schools:

Swiss Hotel Management schools, please visit the homepage of the Swiss Hotel Schools association:

Funded PhD at the Faculty of Informatics-Lugano

Applying for Admission to the Ph.D.

ProgramAdmission to the Ph.D. program is competitive. Each year we receive many strong applications from around the world. Applicants are admitted based on their research interests and experience, potential for success in the program, and compatibility with current needs of the Faculty.The official language of the Ph.D. program is English. Students must be able to demonstrate fluency in English prior to admission.In order to be admitted, the applicant must have completed a Masters degree in computer science, informatics, or a closely related field prior to joining the program (but not necessarily prior to applying to the program).Applications for admission to the Ph.D. program are reviewed three times per year. Admission is typically for the Winter semester (commencing in October).Application Deadline Approximate Notification Date Start Date 15 January 31 January Spring semester (March) 15 March 31 March Fall semester (October) 15 June 30 June Fall semester (October) Students must complete their applications to arrive on or before the appropriate deadline, and will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the approximate notification date.The application for admission to the Informatics Ph.D. program consists of the following completed materials.General USI Ph.D. applicationAt least one (but preferably two) letter(s) of recommendation from persons familiar with the applicant's academic abilities (e.g., a thesis advisor)Please note that the letter of recommendation must be sent by the recommender under separate cover.A one- or two-page statement of purpose, written in English by the applicant, describing: the applicant's motivation for obtaining a Ph.D. degree; how the applicant acquired fluency in English; any particular research interests; any prior research experience; reason for applying to the USI program; and current plans for a professional career after obtaining the Ph.D. degreeCompleted application materials should be mailed to the following address.

Ph.D. Admissions
Faculty of InformaticsUniversity of Lugano
Via G. Buffi 136904 Lugano,

Financial AssistanceMost students in the Ph.D. program are supported as assistants. The support covers tuition and provides a stipend. Responsibilities of assistants include both teaching and research duties. Generally students receive support as long as funds are available and the student is making adequate progress through the program (as described in the regulations).

Swiss Government Scholarships

These scholarships are offered to Indonesian POSTGRADUATE students wishing to study at a Swiss university. The aim of the scholarship is to enable grantees either to further their education or to undertake research work in the fields in which the universities are particularly active. The intended study should be useful for the development in Indonesia. In principle, the scholarship holders can study at any national Swiss university or Federal Institute of Technology. The candidates should take into account the possibilities offered by Swiss universities

The Swiss Government through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) grants a limited number of scholarships to developing countries.

Check with the nearest Swiss Embassy here


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